John R. Franke serves full-time as Theologian in Residence with Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. He is also Professor of Religious Studies and Missiology for the Protestant Theological Faculty of Leuven, Belgium, and the General Coordinator for the Gospel and Our Culture Network, North America. Prior to his current role at Second Presbyterian Church, Dr. Franke taught theology at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA from 1993 to 2011, including a stint as Dean of the Faculty; served for three years as Theologian in Residence at First Presbyterian Church in Allentown, PA; and helped launch the Yellowstone Theological Institute in Bozeman, Montana serving as executive director and professor of missional theology.
Origen’in tuhaf ve farklı alegorik denemeleri bugün de büyüleyici bir okuma olmaya devam ediyor. Kilise tarihinde çok az kişi İskenderiyeli Origen’in (yaklaşık 185 – yaklaşık 254) etrafındaki tartışma ve ihtilaf düzeyini harekete geçirmiştir. Bazılarına göre o, parlak bir entelektüel olduğu kadar İsa’nın tutkuyla bağlı bir müridi, ilk kilisenin en etkili ve ufuk açıcı düşünürüydü.…