Prior to coming to Southern, Cook was associate professor of New Testament and chair of the theology division at Florida Baptist Theological College where he taught for nine years. He is the author of several books including a commentary titled John: Jesus Christ is God. He is the co-author of Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach. Cook is the editor of the series 40 Days in the Word and author of the volume on Mark. He is the author of Jesus’s Final Week: From Triumphal Entry to Empty Tomb and co-author of Victory Over the Devil (both forthcoming in 2022). Since 2001 he has served as the Lead Pastor at The Ninth and O Baptist Church in Louisville. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Yaratılış 6:1–4’ün yorumu zor ve tartışmalıdır. Tartışmalar, ilahi varlıklar (Tanrı’nın oğulları) ifadesinin yorumlanmasına odaklanıyor. Önemli olan soru, ifadenin insanlara mı yoksa ruhsal varlıklara mı atıfta bulunduğuyla ilgilidir. Yeryüzünde insanlar çoğalmaya başladı, kızlar doğdu. İlahi varlıklar insan kızlarının güzelliğini görünce beğendikleriyle evlendiler. RAB, ‘‘Ruhum insanda sonsuza dek kalmayacak, çünkü o ölümlüdür’’ dedi, ‘‘İnsanın ömrü yüz…