Formerly the Provost and Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Theology, Dr. Lints’ current title is Senior Distinguished Professor of Theology. He originally joined the Gordon-Conwell faculty in 1986 having previously served as Lecturer in Philosophical Theology at Trinity College in Bristol, UK. He served as Professor of Systematic and Philosophical Theology from 1994 until his appointment as Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Theology in 2008. He has also taught at several other colleges and theological schools, including Yale Divinity School, the University of Notre Dame, Westminster Theological Seminary and Reformed Theological Seminary.
Tanım Tanrı’nın kutsallığı, Tanrı’nın mutlak ahlaki saflığını ve Tanrı ile insan arasındaki mutlak ahlaki mesafeyi ifade eder. Özet İlahi kutsallığın temeli, mutlak ahlaki saflıktır. Tanrı’nın kutsallığı, Kutsal Yazılar boyunca, sıklıkla ilahi teofanilerle ilişkilendirilen sürekli bir tematik çizgidir. Kutsallık teması, Yeni Antlaşma’da İsa’nın gelişi ve Kutsal Ruh’un Pentekost deneyimi ile gelişir. İlahi kutsallık, gizemli yollarla hem…