Clarence Tucker Craig (1895-1953) served as Chair of New Testament Studies and as the Dean of Drew Theological School from 1949 until his untimely passing in 1953. Previously, he was the Professor of the New Testament at the Yale Divinity School and the New Testament Chair at the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology. Craig was a highly regarded New Testament scholar who was a member of the New Testament and Apocrypha translation committee of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. His last published work was the commentary on I Corinthians for the Interpreter’s Bible. Some of his notable books are The Beginning of Christianity, The Study of the New Testament, and We Have an Altar. Craig was active in the ecumenical movement with the World Council of Churches.
HRİSTİYANLAR’IN ÖZGÜRLÜĞÜ (1.Kor. 8:1-11:1) PUTLARA SUNULAN YİYECEKLER (1.Kor. 8:1-13) Korintliler’in mektuplarında öne sürdükleri diğer soru putlara sunulan yiyeceklerle ilgilidir Sorunun ortaya çıkış nedeni topluluğun bazı Gnostik ve özgürlükçü üyelerinin tutumlarıydı. Bu konu, “Bana her şey serbest” (6:12) sonucuna vardıkları konulardan biridir. Pavlus burada, 6:13’te söylendiği gibi temel ilkeler konusunda görüş birliğindedir, Müjde’nin, “insanın dışında olup…